Switchgrass Michigan Genotype
(Panicum virgatum): Grows well in almost any soil. Ranges in height from 4-8’. Bloom time from Aug-Sep. The best native grass for creating dense cover for wildlife. It’s stiff stems are able to tolerate winter and stand up better than other grasses. It produces good-quality hay and pasture.
Common planting rate using the no-till drill is 4–5.5 lbs of Pure Live Seed (PLS) per acre. If broadcasting, frost seeding, etc., the amount should be increased by at least 25%. (Description sourced from MDNR.)
*Sold by the pound*
(Panicum virgatum): Grows well in almost any soil. Ranges in height from 4-8’. Bloom time from Aug-Sep. The best native grass for creating dense cover for wildlife. It’s stiff stems are able to tolerate winter and stand up better than other grasses. It produces good-quality hay and pasture.
Common planting rate using the no-till drill is 4–5.5 lbs of Pure Live Seed (PLS) per acre. If broadcasting, frost seeding, etc., the amount should be increased by at least 25%. (Description sourced from MDNR.)
*Sold by the pound*
(Panicum virgatum): Grows well in almost any soil. Ranges in height from 4-8’. Bloom time from Aug-Sep. The best native grass for creating dense cover for wildlife. It’s stiff stems are able to tolerate winter and stand up better than other grasses. It produces good-quality hay and pasture.
Common planting rate using the no-till drill is 4–5.5 lbs of Pure Live Seed (PLS) per acre. If broadcasting, frost seeding, etc., the amount should be increased by at least 25%. (Description sourced from MDNR.)
*Sold by the pound*