Lori Fitzgibbons, District Manager-- Lori handles the day-to-day operations of the District. Contact her at lori.fitzgibbons@macd.org.
Joselyn Ralph, MAEAP Technician -- Jocelyn is responsible for performing stewardship assessments for local farms, and can assist a farm in achieving environmental verification under the Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP). For more information contact her at joselyn.ralph@macd.org.
Shikha Singh, CISMA Coordinator -- Shikha is the coordinator for the JLW CISMA (Jackson, Lenawee, Washtenaw Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area). She is responsible for the education and implementation of invasive species projects in the tri-county area. You can contact her at Shikha.Singh@macd.org.
Darby Stipe, Program Manager -- Darby assists with outreach and programming at the District. Contact her at darby.stipe@macd.org.
Colten Franzen, CTAI Conservationist -- The CTAI Conservationist helps work with our local and state NRCS staff to implement farm bill funded conservation programs. Contact him at colten@macd.org.
(L-R) Joselyn Ralph, Darby Stipe, Lori Fitzgibbons, Shikha Singh,
Jeffrey Lolkus, District Conservationist -- Jeff works with landowners throughout Jackson County to implement conservation practices under the USDA’s Farm Bill. Contact him at Jeffrey.Lolkus@mi.usda.gov.
Casey White, Soil Conservationist-- Casey is the Soil Conservationist for NRCS.
The Board of Directors for the Jackson County Conservation District (JCCD) sets our direction, monitors our finances, and helps our Staff progress toward our goals. JCCD Board meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 8:00 am at the JCCD office and are open to the public.
Jill Yoxheimer, Chair (term expires January 2025)
Steve Law, Vice-Chair (term expires January 2028)
Steve Noble, Treasurer (term expires January 2027)
Nathan Drumhiller, Member (term expires January 2026)
Greg Sanford, Member (term expires January 2028)
JCCD Board of Directors (l-r): Steve Law, Board Vice-Chair; Jill Yoxheimer, Board Chair; Nathan Drumhiller, Member; Greg Sanford, Member; Steve Noble, Board Treasurer