Michigan's Hunting Access Program (HAP) was created in 1977 to increase public hunting opportunities in southern Michigan, where 97% of land is privately owned. HAP provides access to quality hunting lands close to urban properties, helping retain current and attract new hunters.
Through HAP, JCCD helps landowners lease their private lands to the MDNR, allowing licensed hunters access to their property. Hunters using HAP lands are guests of the landowner and are asked to register each time they visit the property.
For landowners, HAP provides financial incentives for allowing hunters flexible access to their lands, letting landowners allow all hunting, youth and apprentice hunting only, small game only, deer only, turkey only, or a combination. Landowners enrolled in HAP are free from liability as stated in P.A. 451 of 1994.
JCCD provides farmers and landowners with information and enrollment assistance. Visit today to learn more about HAP. Please also visit the HAP site to learn more about the program.
Interested in participating in HAP, whether as a landowner or hunter? Contact Lori Fitzgibbons for more info at 517-395-2082 or email lori.fitzgibbons@macd.org.